We are very excited here at mark-making* as our 2012 PROJECT:PLEDGE promise to enter the New Year with timely efforts which can make a difference is being fulfilled. Before Christmas we rolled up our sleeves, put on our pinnies, and baked over 1000 cookies while helping out at the Chadlington Christmas Lunch. It was one of our first steps in making the world much prettier, happier and tastier.
Moving into 2013, we couldn’t wait to put our social media experience into further practice by giving help and advice to the SMA Trust, a UK charity dedicated to funding medical research into Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
We all know how important it is for any business to have a social media presence but the relationship building process is far more valuable for non-profit organisations as they are the ones who bring support to those who truly need it. In cases like these, social media can become an excellent tool for organisations that try to raise awareness for a cause and build a supporting community.
However charities, like other socially engaged communities, have to undertake their own battles in order to raise awareness quickly and inexpensively. The economical situation doesn’t help as people are very careful how and on what they are spending their money. To increase funds, charities have to build trusted conversations between people but this of course takes time (and money) itself – something that many charities lack.
But the potential of social media simply can’t be dismissed, as a well-executed social media campaign can drive up to a ten-fold increase in donations. The stats also say it all – the power of social media and connection building can become advantageous in so many ways, for example,
‘68% of people, having seen a friend donate, will go and learn more about the charity.’

We hope that by understanding the SMA Trust needs and goals we will be able to reach their objectives and take the full potential of social networking. Hopefully our campaign will bring more awareness around SMA condition and touch the hearts of many.