PROJECT:PLEDGE is about making time to make a difference. As part of some teaser activity ahead of launching the website we posed these three questions;
- Which is more important to you, time or money?
- Do you feel you have skills that can help others?
- Would helping others make you happy?
In answer to the first question, 86% of respondents voted in favour of ‘time’. Whilst not a great surprise, it was still somewhat of a relief – had it gone the other way we might have had to rethink this whole initiative. The real eye-opener was the depth of thought given by individuals to rationalising their decision to go with ‘time’ – insightful, considered, heartfelt, succinct, eloquent, questioning – it was all there. So impressive, in fact, we’ll soon be adding a page on the site dedicated to those thoughts.

Do you feel you have skills that can help others? Whilst time might be at a premium out there, there’s clearly no shortage of skills with respondents voting 100% YES.

And finally, it would appear that the old adage associated with Christmas might well be true, in that it is better to give than to receive. Encouragingly, 90% of all those who gave their opinion felt helping others would make them happy.

So, we have skills in abundance, value time over money and get a kick from helping others. PROJECT:PLEDGE is the place where it can all come together. If we all make time (even just a little) to make a difference, then share our story here, and perhaps inspire someone else to do the same, who then inspires another person, and so on and so on, who knows just where all this might lead.